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New features since MolSys v0.68 -----------------------------------------------
* Load and save individual molecule fragments
* Saves GEM image files
* MultiSys™ - Up to 8 independent molecule fragments at once
- Create, copy, join, break and delete fragments
- Global or individual manipulation and display
* Set ball and stick size and thickness
* New atom types - Ionized oxygen, phosphorous and sulphur
* New functional groups
- Benzene ring and phosphoric acid
* Multiple delete command
* Preliminary animation feature
- Animate from disk or from memory
* Installation program
- Set default values and atom display types
* Calculate van der Waals energy
* Find minimum conformational energy
* Display van der Waals and covalent surfaces
* Display fragment names
Preliminary Manual for MolSys v0.73
© June 1992 Helion Graphics. Written by Robert Mellish & Howard Jones.
MolSys v0.73 is shareware and may not be distributed for profit or without
this text file. All source code, text files and file formats remain
copyright Helion Graphics. The programmers make no claim for accuracy or
fitness of purpose for MolSys or any of its related files and documentation.
About MolSys ------------------------------------------------------------------
MolSys is a molecular modelling package for the Atari ST. It requires a
mono monitor but should run irrespective of memory size. It was developed
from MolView v2.5, MolBuild v0.7 and MolScript v0.1. These programs were
inspired by a PC program written by Alan Mynett and published in the
October 1987 edition of Personal Computer World.
MolSys is powerful, but quick and easy to learn and use, and is capable of
directly printing output or producing files which may be imported into DTP
packages for inclusion in documents.
MolSys was written using the Lattice C V5 development package from HiSoft.
Limitations of Version 0.73 ---------------------------------------------------
MolSys v0.73 contains only a limited animation function, and is also limited to
a maximum of 100 atoms and 16 molecule fragments in memory at one time. To
register for the latest version of MolSys, see the section at the end of this
file. Please register if you like MolSys, and especially if you intend to use
it for any serious work. Registering will encourage me to produce future
versions with more features.
Changes From Previous Versions ------------------------------------------------
If you have used MolSys before, it will be necessary to re-install MolSys as
the format of the MOLSYS.INF file has changed. More importantly, the format
of MLS (molecule fragment) files has also changed, and so it is necessary to
convert any you have made with previous versions of MolSys into the new format.
This can be done with the supplied program MS_4_5.TTP. See its accompaning text
file for instructions.
Installing MolSys -------------------------------------------------------------
Configuration of MolSys is done via the MOLSYS.INF file. This file is best
edited by using the supplied installation program, MSI. The supplied INF
file should allow you to run MolSys without need for further installation.
Just double click on MOLSYS.PRG to begin. If you later want to adapt the
installation, follow the instructions below.
MSI.PRG and MSI.RSC into the same folder, then double click on MSI.PRG.
After the credit dialogue, you are presented with a menu which allows
you to access a series of dialogue boxes containing options and default
values which you may change.
The first dialogue is the main options. The first editable field is the
file path of the resource file. Normally, this will just be '\', which
will cause the program to search in the current directory. Note that if
the resource file cannot be found, the program will abort.
The second field is the file path and name of the 16x8 screen font to be used
by MolSys. (Usually 'SYSTEM.FNT'). This path and name will also be used when
MolSys loads the replacement 8x8 screen font, but with the extender '.FN8'
substituted (i.e. 'SYSTEM.FN8'). These are optional, and the replacement fonts
will not be used if the 'disabled' button is highlighted. These fonts are
Harlekin format screen fonts.
The third field is the default path of the molecule fragment files.
The forth field is maximum number of atoms which may be added to the
molecule. In this version of MolSys, this number cannot be set greater
than 100. If you register, you will receive a version where the maximum
number of atoms is limited only by available memory. On a 'clean' 520ST
this value can be up to about 3000, which should be adequate for most
purposes. By decreasing this number, it is possible to make more memory
available for animation, ramdisks, print spoolers, desk accessories etc.
The second dialogue is the default values dialogue. This allows the setting
of the default translation distance, rotation angle, zoom level, size of
spheres in reduced size mode and size of sticks in stickmode 3 (thick).
The third dialogue allows the setting of the type of shading used to display
the various atom types. Clicking on an atom displays the type of shading used.
Click on a shading type to change the display of the selected atom type to
that shade. Note their are two other options which can be changed, 'Colour
Shade' and 'Colour', which control the display of atoms for the colour version
of MolSys. As the colour version is not yet available, these options currently
have no effect.
Clicking on 'Save and Exit' saves the MOLSYS.INF file and exits the program.
Clicking on just 'Exit' exits without saving the file.
Running MolSys ----------------------------------------------------------------
The file MOLSYS.INF should be in the current directory when MOLSYS.PRG
is run, i.e. in the same directory as MOLSYS.PRG. On running, the program will
attempt to load MOLSYS.INF and the resource file. If these files cannot be
found the program will abort. It will then attempt to load the fonts, and then
allocate memory for screen buffers and variables. If the program runs out of
memory on loading, try decreasing the maximum number of atoms set.
Overview of Terms Used in MolSys ----------------------------------------------
In MolSys, a molecule consists of a number of sites and atoms. Atoms are shown
by their chemical symbol (e.g. C,H,O,Cl etc.) and sites are shown by a number
between 0 and 3. Sites are the only place where atoms may be placed. The type
of site shows the type of atoms which may be placed there, 0 means all atoms,
and 1,2 or 3 means only singly, doubly or triply bonded atoms. One of these
sites or atoms will be the current (or marked) site or atom. In build mode,
this site or atom will have a diamond-shaped marker placed around it. If
stick mode is on, bonds between sites and atoms are shown by lines.
A collection of sites and atoms bonded together forms a molecule fragment.
The fragments currently in memory can be shown on the fragment selector
(see below), where the visibility of fragments can be turned on or off.
One of these fragments will be the current fragment, and its title will appear
at the top of the display. Note that the current fragment does not necessarily
have to contain the current atom. The current fragment is the one on which
normally all manipulations are made.
Throughout MolSys, all distances are expressed in nanometres (1E-9 metres),
and all angles in degrees.
Selecting Functions in MolSys ------------------------------------------------
When a function icon is selected (or the corresponding keyboard shortcut is
pressed), the icon may invert, which means that further input is required.
For functions such as the freehand rotate and move controls, the mouse cursor
will change to an open hand, and the mouse moved to manipulate the molecule.
For functions such as rotate bond and measure bond angle, the cursor will
change to a cross and one or more atoms may be required to be selected.
For all these functions, pressing the right mouse button will exit or cancel
the function.
Dialogues in MolSys -----------------------------------------------------------
Certain dialogue boxes in MolSys show a small diamond in the upper right hand
corner. Clicking on this allows you to drag the dialogue around the screen to
see the screen beneath. The position you leave the dialogue in when you exit
it will be the position it will subsequently reappear in when you next invoke
the function.
Using MolSys ------------------------------------------------------------------
Once loaded, the program will show a bank of icons down the left side,
and a large blank area on the right. At the top of this area is the title
bar. Click on this bar to produce a dialogue allowing you to change the title
of the current molecule fragment. This title will change if the current
fragment is changed. In the middle of the blank area will be a small zero.
This is the place in which the first atom will appear, see the build section
Four functions are available under the File menu option. These are:
New: Clears all the current molecules.
Load: Loads a molecule fragment.
Save: Saves the current molecule fragment.
Quit: Quits the program.
All of these functions except quit are available using the File icon bank, see
At the top of the icon bank are three large icons, with the leftmost high-
lighted. Clicking on one of these selects one the three icon banks which
allow control of the program. These are:
Move/Display: These icons allow the molecule to be translated, rotated
and displayed with various options.
Build: Controls the building of molecules, deletion of atoms,
measurement of distances and angles and changing of
these values. Note that when build mode is active,
the current atom is shown with a diamond shaped marker.
File: Controls the loading, saving and animation of molecules,
saving and printing of screenshots, allows access to the
molecule selector and controls miscellaneous functions such
as New and Help.
For each of the three banks, the function of the icons, from left to right
are given below.
The Move/Display Icons --------------------------------------------------------
Global: Toggles global mode on and off. With global mode on,
translations and rotations effect all the visible molecule
fragments. With global off, transformations only effect the
current molecule. The default setting is off.
Translation: The 6 filled arrow icons move the molecule in the direction
shown by the arrow by a set distance.
Zoom out/in: Zooms the display in and out. Double click on either to set
the zoom level to normal.
Rotation: The 6 open arrows rotate the molecule around the current
centre of rotation by a set angle. Double clicking on these
icons causes the molecule to rotate around the marked atom.
Set distance: Sets the distance the molecule is moved by the translation
controls. The default value is 0.01 nm.
Set angle: Sets the angle that is used for rotation with the rotation
controls. The default value is 10°.
Freehand move: Moves the molecule with the mouse. Moving the mouse in any
direction starts the model moving in that direction in the
X-Y plane. Note that movements are cumulative, so that the
further you move the mouse, the faster the molecule moves.
Press the left button to halt the molecule, the right
button to exit freehand move.
rotate: Rotates the molecule in the direction the mouse moves.
Press the left button to stop, right to exit.
to atom: Click on an atom with the left button to centre the atom
on the screen - this also makes it the centre of rotation.
Press the right button to cancel.
molecule: Centres the molecule on the screen. Rotation centre is now
the average position of all the atoms. Note that if global
mode is off, only the current fragment is centred.
Ball: Toggle space filling ball display. Note that ball display
drastically slows down the program, and should not be
used when rotating or moving the molecule.
Stick: Toggle stick display. With stick display on, bonds are
shown as lines between atoms, drawn with the current
stick mode. Note that if Ball mode is also active,
only the portion of the bond outside the ball is drawn.
Label: Toggle label display. Prints the chemical symbol on each
atom when on, and also prints the site type on each site.
Hide hydrogens: Toggle the display of hydrogen atoms. With this mode on,
hydrogen atoms and bonds to hydrogen are not shown.
Ball size: Toggles between the full and the reduced size of space
filling spheres. Double clicking on this icon calls up
a dialogue which allows you to change the percentage size
of the spheres and the thickness of the bonds in
stickmode 3 (thick) which is displayed when reduced size
is selected. Use the arrows to change the values up or down.
Stick modes: Four stick display modes at the bottom of the icon bank.
The first is thin mode, with all bonds drawn as single
width lines. The second mode is depth cueing, and shows
bonds between atoms close to the viewer as thicker lines,
which helps when rotating the molecule. The third mode
is thick mode, which shows thick bonds scaled according
to perspective. The fourth is typed mode, which shows
single bonds as thin lines, and double and triple bonds
as thicker lines.
Fragment Names: With this mode on, all visible fragments will have their names
superimposed on them, allowing easy identification.
The Build Icons ---------------------------------------------------------------
Add atom: Eighteen types of atom are shown, which when clicked will be
added at the current site, shown with the diamond-shaped
marker. This marker (only shown in build mode) may be
repositioned by clicking near to an atom on the display
screen. For each icon, the type of atoms is shown (carbon,
hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, fluorine, chlorine, bromine,
phosphorous, sulphur) together with its bonds. Single bonds
are shown with a hyphen (-), or a greater-than (>) or less-
than (<) sign in the case of two single bonds, or a greater-
than-or-equal-to (≥) in the case of three single bonds. Double
bonds are shown as equal signs (=) or much-less-than («) signs
for two double bonds, and triple bonds as equivalence signs
(≡). See section 'Building molecules', below.
Add group: Nine common functional groups are shown (benzene, OH, CN, CH3,
CH2, CO, NH2, PO2HO and COOH) which will be added to the
current site if clicked upon. Note that these groups may not
be used to start a molecule, i.e. they cannot be added to a
site type of zero.
Make: Joins two molecule fragments together. The marked atom must be
a site, and after selecting this icon, click on another site
of the same type in a different molecule fragment. This second
fragment will be joined to the first fragment at the marked
Break: Breaks a molecule into two fragments. Clicking on an atom
bonded to the marked atom splits the molecule into two
fragments across the bond.
Make current: Clicking on this icon makes the molecule fragment containing
the current atom to be the current fragment. The title bar at
the top of the display will change to reflect this, and a box
will flash to show the current fragment.
Delete: Deletes the currently marked atom. Note that only atoms
which are only attached to one other atom may be deleted
(i.e. all other attached sites must be empty). So to delete
a CH3 group, the hydrogens must be deleted before the carbon
atom can be deleted. Also, to delete a ring structure, the
whole ring must be deleted at once with a multiple delete
Delete: Clicking on an atom bonded to the marked atom deletes all the
atoms connected to that side of the marker. The atoms which
will be deleted are shown crossed out and confirmation is
asked for before the atoms are deleted.
Rotate bond: Rotates part of a molecule along a bond. Click on an atom
which is bonded to the marked atom. (Right button to cancel.)
A dialogue appears which allows you to type in the angle to
rotate the part of the molecule which is bonded to the marked
atom. Click on plus or minus to set the direction, and then
click on OK or Cancel. Alternatively, you may click on
Freehand, which allows you to move the mouse up and down to
rotate along the bond. Press the left button to stop rotating
and the right to exit. Note that this will temporarily change
the display mode to stick mode 2. Note however that for large
molecules, the freehand function is not recommended.
Set bond angle: Sets the angle between two bonds of the marked atom. Click on
two atoms which are bonded to the marked atom. (Note that the
atoms bonded to the second atom selected will be the ones
which are moved.) A dialogue appears with the angle between
the bonds at the marked atom. Change this value and click on
OK to set, or Cancel to abort the function. Note that you
cannot set any angles in a ring structure.
Set bond
length: Sets the length of a bond. Click on an atom bonded to the
marked atom. A dialogue appears which shows the current
length of this bond. Change this value and click on OK to
set, or Cancel to abort the function. Note that you cannot
set any lengths in a ring structure.
Torsion angle: The torsion angle of a row of atoms A-B-C-D is the apparent
angle between bonds A-B and C-D when looking down the axis B-C.
Click on three atoms bonded in a chain with the first connected
to the marked atom. The marked atom corresponds to A, the
first selected to B and so on. A dialogue appears with the
torsion angle. Clicking on 'Align' will set the torsion angle
to zero (i.e. align atoms A and D) if this does not involve
rotating a bond in a ring structure.
Bond angle: Click on two atoms, not necessarily bonded to the marked atom.
A dialogue appears with the angle between these two atoms at
the marked atom.
Length: Click on an atom. A dialogue appears with the distance (in
nanometers) from this atom to the marked atom.
Auto distance: Bond lenths in MolSys are calculated from the covalent radii
of the atoms, which does not always give the correct value.
With auto distance on, bond distances when adding atoms are
automatically calculated. With it off, when atoms are added
a dialogue appears which shows the computers choice for the
bond distance (in nm), which may be changed to a different
value. Press OK to add the atom, or Cancel to abort the
add. Note that auto distance defaults to on.
energy: Molecules may be rotated around bonds to minimize their van
der Waals energy (see below). Clicking on an atom bonded to
the marked atom sets the axis for rotation, and then in the
resulting dialogue you can set the total angle to rotate by
and the number of steps for which the energy will be
calculated. The total angle will normally be 360°, but other
angles may be specified if necessary. The Global button
selects whether the energy calculations will be carried out
for the current fragment or all the fragments in memory.
After calculation, a graph is displayed of energy against
rotation angle. The minimum energy position found is shown
with a dotted vertical line, and this will be the position
the molecule is rotated into.
The calculation of the minimum energy position may take a
very long time even with small molecules, so the number of
steps should be chosen to be low.
The File Icons ----------------------------------------------------------------
Load: Loads a .MLS file from disk. The loaded file becomes a new
fragment, and is placed in the same position as when it was
Save: Saves the current fragment as a .MLS file to disk.
Molecule fragment
selector: Shows a dialogue which lists all the molecule fragments
currently built. The current fragment may be changed by the
buttons on the left, and the fragments visible may be changed
by selecting the buttons on the right. Clicking on a fragment
title allows you to change it's name. Clicking on create will
create a new fragment at the centre of the display (a site
type 0) and makes this the current site and fragment. Clicking
on delete deletes the whole of the current fragment. Note that
if there is only one fragment left, this cannot be deleted.
Copy makes a copy of the current fragment 0.25 nm to the left
(-x direction) of the original. Load and Save perform the same
operation as those icons on the File bank, see above.
Click on OK to exit this dialogue.
Calculate van der Waals
energy: The energy of a molecule may be calculated from the energies
of interactions between its atoms. The interactions between
non-bonded atoms are called van der Waals forces, and the
energy-seperation relationship caused by these forces is
called the Lennard-Jones 6-12 potential. The form of this
potential gives a prefered seperation distance between atoms,
which is called the van der Waals radius of the atom.
This function calculates the energy of the current fragment
by summing the energies of interaction of its atoms. The more
atoms in a molecule, the longer this will take. About 30
seconds is necessary to calculate the energy of a 100-atom
molecule. If Global mode is on, the energy of interaction
between atoms in different fragments is also calculated.
After calculation, the energy is displayed in kilocalories per
mole. This is the standard unit for conformational energy
Super view: Shows a full screen display of the molecule with the current
display settings. Clicking the mouse produces a menu which
allows the printing of the display or saving it as a Degas
(.PI3) or GEM image (.IMG) file to disk.
Animate: The animation facility in available version 0.73 is only a
subset of the full implimentation which will be available
in future versions. However, the current version is fully
usable and is comparable with animation features of other
molecular modelling packages. An animation may be output
in two ways, either by saving a series of Degas pictures
to disk for playback with SHOW.TTP, or (if you have enough
memory) by writing the screens to memory for playback inside
MolSys. In the produced dialogue, these two options may be
selected by the 'Degas' and 'Memory' buttons. By the side of
the Memory button, the number of available screens is shown.
This value will be dependent upon the memory size of your
computer, the number of atoms set in MOLSYS.INF and whether
you have any desk accessories resident. The number of screens
available on a 520 or 1040ST is unlikely to be enough for
smooth animations, but on a 2 or 4Mb ST you may be able to
have over 50 frames in an animation. The program will not let
you try to run a memory animation with insurficient memory
available. In this case, you must use a Degas animation
instead. The three buttons 'Play','Clear' and 'Save' will
be disabled when you first use the animation option, and are
described below.
At the top of the dialogue box, the path where degas screens
will be saved is shown. Next to the 'Degas' option button,
the name of the files is shown. These fields may be edited
in the usual way, and the path may also be set with the
'Set Path' button. The produced files will take the name
'path\name.001','path\name.002' etc.
The direction of movement of the molecule is shown. Click
on an icon to set the direction. (Note that the rotate bond
icon is not currently available.) The angle of rotation at
each step can be edited, as can the number of steps to save
to memory or disk. Clicking on 'Set to Cycle' sets the angle
field such that one complete revolution will take place in
the number of steps shown. 'Global' sets whether all molecule
fragments are to be moved, or just the current molecule.
Now clicking on 'Cancel' aborts the animation, or 'OK' starts
it. If you are performing a Degas animation, a dialogue shows
the free space needed on the disk the files will be written
to. Click on 'Cancel' to abort, or 'OK' to continue.
The screen will now draw each frame of the animation, which
may take some time. At each step, the screen will be written
to memory or disk. If you have selected Memory animation, a
dialogue appears showing the controls of the playback.
Clicking on 'OK' shows the memory-saved screens in sequence,
looping round at the end. Use the [+] and [-] keys on the
main keyboard or the keypad to increase or decrease the speed
of playback. Pressing [SPACE] exits the animation.
If you have used the Degas animation option, you may now
use the SHOW.TTP program the show your saved frames. Read the
SHOW.TXT file for instructions of use.
If you have used the memory animation function, on re-entering
the Animate dialogue, three more options are available.
'Play' replays the animation, 'Clear' erases the animation
and 'Save' writes the stored animation to disk as a series of
Degas files, using the same file path and name as those set
for Degas animations.
New: Clears all the current molecules.
Help: Toggles the help messages which are shown during certain
operations at the bottom of the display area. Help mode
also enables the display of certain error messages.
Default is on. Double clicking on this icon brings up
a list of keyboard shortcuts. Click the mouse to exit.
printer: Sets the port and resolution of the printer for printing the
Blank 2: In v0.73, creates a file in the current directory called
MOLSYS.LOG, which is used for testing purposes.
Show surface: This function allows the showing of the effective 'surface' of
a molecule as a 3D dot pattern. In the resulting dialogue, the
pitch of the dots can be selected, which is the seperation, in
degrees, between points on the sphere of the atom. The smaller
the pitch, the more dots displayed and the longer it takes to
display them. The visibility of the molecule can also be
selected. This shows whether the normal display of the molecule
will be shown on top of the dot display. The selection of van
der Waals or covalent radii chooses which of these radii to
display the atoms with. After showing the display, which may
take a long time if the dot density is high or the number of
atoms in the molecule is large, the picture can be printed or
saved as for the Super View feature.
Keyboard Shorcuts -------------------------------------------------------------
Certain functions may be used via a key press irrespective of the currently
selected icon bank. See above for a description of the functions. Also, some
icons have small letters in the bottom right, which give the keyboard shortcut
for that function.
Key Function
[INS],[CLR]: Rotate the model, as for rotate icons.
[7],[9]: Rotate the model around the marked atom.
[INS],[CLR]: Translate the model, as for translate icons.
[SPACE]: Toggle between Move/Display,Build and File icon banks.
[HELP]: Shows a list of keyboard shortcuts.
[S]: Toggle stick mode.
[B]: Toggle ball mode.
[L]: Toggle labelling.
[3],[4]: Set stick mode to thin, depth cue, thick or typed.
[H]: Toggle hide hydrogens.
[Z]: Toggle ball size.
[C]: Centre molecule.
[T]: Translate to atom.
[DELETE]: Deletes the marked atom.
Keypad[-]: Zoom display in or out.
Keypad[*]: Set zoom to normal.
[M]: Engage freehand move mode.
[R]: Engage freehand rotate mode.
[G]: Toggles global mode on and off.
[N]: Toggles fragment names on and off.
[CTRL]+[C]: Creates a new fragment in the centre of the screen,
and makes this the current atom and fragment.
[CTRL]+[D]: Deletes the current fragment.
[CTRL]+[S]: Saves the current fragment to disk.
[CTRL]+[L]: Loads a fragment from disk.
[CTRL]+[X]: Copies the current fragment.
[TAB]: Changes the current fragment by cycling through all
the fragments.
[RETURN]: Makes the fragment containg the current atom to be the
current fragment. (Only available in build mode.)
[ESC]: Renames the current fragment.
[ENTER]: Invokes MultiSys™ fragment selector.
[UNDO]: Quit MolSys.
[F1],[F2],[F3]: Set display types to useful defaults.
Note that a list of keyboard shortcuts can be displayed by double clicking on
the 'Help' icon, or by pressing the [HELP] key.
Renaming Molecules ------------------------------------------------------------
When renaming molecule fragments (by clicking on the title bar, pressing [ESC]
or through the molecule selector), it is possible to include the greek letters
alpha, beta, epsilon, gamma, lambda, omega, pi, sigma and tau in the name by
typing '\' then 'a','b','e','g','l','o','p','s' or 't'. If you require the '\'
symbol in the name of a molecule, type two backslashes '\\'. Note that some
letters are only available in the supplied fonts, and will be displayed as
Hebrew characters if you are using the normal screen fonts.
When a new fragment is created, it is automatically named 'Untitled'. This is
also the name given to a fragment created with the Break Bond function. When
using the Make Bond function, the amalgamated fragment takes on the name of the
fragment containing the marked atom. Turning fragment names on gives a
continuous update of the names of all the visible fragments.
Building Molecules ------------------------------------------------------------
The procedure for building molecules is not as flexible as some systems, but is
quick and easy to learn and very quick to use, and requires no knowledge of
bond lengths or angles. It is recommended that you turn on the labelling and
stick modes and turn off ball display mode before you attempt to build a
On entering build mode for the first time (click on the icon, or press space),
a zero surrounded by a diamond can be seen in the middle of the display area.
This zero is a 'Site'. Sites are the only place which atoms may be added in
MolSys. The diamond is the marker of the current atom or site. If there is more
than one site or atom on screen, clicking on the display area in build mode
sets the marker to the nearest atom or site. (Double clicking will also make
the fragment this atom is in the current fragment.) The zero means this is a
special type of site, as any atom can be added there. Clicking on an atom icon
(e.g. '>C=') will place that type of atom at the zero site, and add more sites
to the display. In this case, it will add three: two '1's and a '2'. These
numbers represent the type of bond possible between the atom the site is bonded
to and any atom you may subsequently place at the site. Note that this atom
must have at least one bond of the correct type, e.g. only '>C=','=O' '=N-'
'≥P=' and '>S«' atoms can be added at a type 2 site, and only '≡C-' and '≡N'
atoms can be added at a type 3 site. Adding further atoms may produce more
sites where more atoms can be bonded. It may be necessary to scale or rotate
the molecule during the course of building it. This is more conveniently done
with keyboard shortcuts than by switching to the Move/Display icon bank.
Groups are added a similar way, except that the may only be added to type 1
sites. Clicking on a group icon adds that group to the molecule at the
current site. Note that groups or atoms may not be added to a site which
is of the incorrect type, or when an atom is marked. The program will also
not allow you to add more atoms than is set in the configuration file.
Example of Building a Molecule ------------------------------------------------
Turn on the stick and labelling modes, and turn off ball mode. Press [1],[2]
or [4] to get the sticks displayed in a useful mode. Click on New (in the
File icons, or under the File menu.) Click on Build mode. Press keypad[*] and
then [C]: if it was not already there, a zero surrounded by a diamond will
appear in the centre of the display area. Click on '>C<': The zero will be
replaced by a 'C' and four lines ending in '1's will appear. Click on each '1'
in turn and add hydrogens ('-H') to the first three and a carboxyl group
('-COOH') to the fourth. Click on the title bar at the top of the display area
and type '[ESC]Ethanoic Acid[RETURN]'. You have made your first molecule with
MolSys! Enjoy!
A More Complex Example --------------------------------------------------------
Taking the molecule built above, making sure you are in build mode, delete one
of the hydrogens bonded to the main carbon by selecting it and clicking delete:
the 'H' will be replaced by a '1'. Now move the molecule off to one side with
the translate icons or keys, so that it no longer covers the centre of the
display. Now press [CTRL]+[C]: This creates a new molecule fragment and a '0'
will appear in the centre of the screen, and will become the current site. Note
also that the title bar changes to 'Untitled', the title of the new fragment.
Now click on '>N-' to place a nitrogen atom at the new site, and replace two of
the three created sites with hydrogens by clicking on each one of them in turn
and clicking '-H'. Rotate the nitrogen about a bit using the cursor keys - note
that, if global mode is off, the ethanoic acid molecule will not move. Make the
final '1' site the current atom by clicking on it, and then click on 'Make':
The icon will highlight and the cursor will change to a cross. Click now on the
'1' in the ethanoic acid molecule you moved off to the side earlier. The
molecule will become bonded to the nitrogen atom at the centre of the screen.
Click on the title bar and type '[ESC]Glycine[RETURN]'. You have just made a
model of glycine, the simplest amino acid.
Tips --------------------------------------------------------------------------
When displaying molecules, the best display mode is ball mode on, stick mode 3
(thick) and reduced size mode. (This can be set by pressing [F2].)
Try adjusting the ball and stick size and thickness (double click on the size
icon) to find the best ratio. Because ball mode slows down the program so
much, it is best to switch it off when rotating or moving the molecule. Using
stickmode 2 (depth cue) gives a better feeling of orientation when rotating.
When using freehand move, rotate or rotate bond functions, move the mouse
by small amounts to keep control. When doing a freehand move, remember that
mouse movements are cumulative. Use the left button to halt the fragment if
it starts moving too fast.
When building, it is best to turn labelling on so as to see the site types, and
stickmode 4 to see the bond types.
Bugs --------------------------------------------------------------------------
The one major bug in MolSys is the failure of the build function to align
double-bonded atoms correctly. This may be done manually by finding the torsion
angle and using the 'align' feature to rotate along the double bond until the
atoms are correctly aligned.
This will be done automatically in future versions.
If you find any bugs in MolSys, please contact me at the address below.
Finders of major bugs (that I don't already know about) will be registered for
Features of Future Versions ---------------------------------------------------
Features currently under development include:
* Colour version (Real Soon Now!)
* Save .GEM metafiles (If I can find a META.SYS driver somewhere...)
* Use Degas Elite printer drivers to dump screens
* Use GDOS printer drivers to dump screens (very dodgy!)
* Expanded on-line help
* Macro clipboard from memory
- Common ring and other groups included with program
* Conversion program to convert MolView (.MOL), Brookhaven Protein
Databank (.PDB) and M.J.Forster's Molgraph (.CRD) files to MolSys
readable format
* Extended animate feature
- Multiple step rotate, translate and build
- Save and load script files
- Save as Degas screens or animate from memory
- Compacted file format option for more screens from
less memory
* Large screen monitor support
Information -------------------------------------------------------------------
Future versions of MolSys will continue to be released into the Public Domain,
but unlimited versions will only be available by registering. Please send me a
cheque/P.O. for £10.00 to the address below, made payable to Robert Mellish.
You will receive the latest (unlimited) version of the program, future
upgrades and (maybe- no guarantees) a printed manual. A copy of the C source
code is also available to registered users. If you have any comments,
recommendations or ideas for MolSys, please write to tell me, even if you
don't want to register. I would especially like ideas for new features which
I may implement in future versions of the program.
Robert Mellish,
Westbury, Ranelagh Drive,
Bracknell, Berkshire.
RG12 3DA
Tel:(0344) 428171
Remember, MolSys is the best molecular modelling system on the ST!
(If you can't afford £10, that's OK. Send me what you can, or just write to
me. I always like to hear from users, so drop me a line at the address above
if you have any comments. I will send you the latest version (with the 100
atom limit still in) if you send me a disk and postage.)
Robert Mellish, Helion Graphics, 15/06/92 MolSys v0.73